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dans ETAP 2024

B¨ºta 1

Nous avons le plaisir de vous pr¨¦senter la version Beta 1 d'ETAP 2024, une solution int¨¦gr¨¦e de conception et d'exploitation. Les solutions de l'entreprise sont dot¨¦es d'une nouvelle interface utilisateur con?ue pour maximiser l'efficacit¨¦, am¨¦liorer la qualit¨¦ et la s¨¦curit¨¦ de l'information et de la communication. productivit¨¦ et simplifier l'exp¨¦rience globale de l'utilisateur.??

Cette mise ¨¤ jour majeure apporte un design frais et moderne - le nouveau visage et paradigme de commande pour ETAP Design & ; Operate Å·ÃÀAƬ - r¨¦imaginant la fa?on dont vous interagissez avec notre logiciel leader de l'industrie.

Interface moderne du ruban, unifiant l'intention et la commande

Assurez une exp¨¦rience transparente et intuitive gr?ce ¨¤ une interface utilisateur bas¨¦e sur un ruban qui r¨¦unit l'intention de l'utilisateur et la commande.

Personnalisez votre environnement utilisateur

Request Beta Release & User Support

A complete list of all enhancements in ETAP
are listed on the What’s New page.

40:32 Webinars  

Discover the new Feeder Hosting Capacity module provided in ETAP 2024 to support solar PV systems being integrated into modern distribution networks. Incorporating PV arrays into existing feeders presents several challenges, including overvoltage, backflow, thermal overloading, protection mis-coordination, and increased harmonic distortion. To address these issues, it is essential to perform feeder hosting capacity (FHC) studies, which assess the optimal amount and placement of PV installations. By leveraging ETAP 2024's Feeder Hosting Capacity module, engineers and utilities can confidently integrate renewable energy sources into their grids while ensuring optimal performance and sustainability. The three key analysis options provided in ETAP FHC, Nodal HC, Stochastic HC and Impact Analysis are described in detail, along with how smart inverters are addressed.

28:36 Webinars  

The webinar is an opportunity to discover how the features in this release of GridCode contribute to better and faster grid code compliance evaluation in an automated fashion, including real and reactive power capability, and harmonic distortion and resonance. By carefully evaluating the impact of new generation on the grid, you’ll learn how to define and produce compliance studies that help protect the system, enable renewable energy growth, and promote cost-effective grid development. 

49:23 Webinars  

ETAP 2024 has transformed how we assess DC arc flash incident energy for battery energy storage systems (BESS). In this video, you’ll learn about two of the cutting-edge features in ETAP 2024 that will redefine your approach to BESS Arc Safety.

23:18 Webinars  

This webinar will focus on time-saving tips and in the new ETAP 2024 Unified Digital Twin application to streamline your workflows, improve modelling accuracy, and expedite project delivery.

28:47 Webinars  

Introducing ETAP's new AI-based Natural Language Search. This feature makes interacting with ETAP as easy as having a conversation. Instead of navigating complex menus or using tricky commands, you can now ask questions and get answers using simple, everyday language. With advanced AI and natural language processing, ETAP’s Natural Language Search helps engineers, operators, and planners quickly find critical information, run analyses, and gather insights. This makes the software easier to use and speeds up your work. Whether you need detailed system data, want to set up simulations, or access documentation, this feature simplifies everything, letting you focus on making decisions. By integrating this intuitive search tool, ETAP is making powerful power system analysis more accessible and user-friendly for everyone.

Request Beta 1 Release & ; User Support

Une liste compl¨¨te de toutes les am¨¦liorations apport¨¦es ¨¤ ETAP
sont inscrits sur la liste des Quoi de neuf ? page.

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