
etap 2024 logo

Commercial Release

Sustainability through
Continuous Intelligence

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ETAP 2024 is here! The integrated design and operation solutions featuring a new user interface designed to maximize efficiency, enhance productivity, and simplify the overall user experience.??

With a focus on enhanced functionality and user experience, ETAP 2024 represents a significant leap forward in power system analysis and design.

Key Features of ETAP 2024:

  • Advanced power simulation and analysis for deeper insights and informed decisions
  • Streamlined user interface for improved workflows featuring the new ETAP PowerRibbonTM
  • Integration of cutting-edge technologies like AI for enhanced performance
  • Enhanced functionalities for renewables design and integration
  • Expanded library of components and models

ETAP 2024, the new Benchmark for Power System Analysis and Management

Release Highlights


Ensure ongoing safety through informed decision making.

Automated Evaluation of Cable Protection by Energy Limiting capabilities of MCCB.

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Steady State fault current contribution based on IEC 60909.

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Thermal and Shock Protection calculations based on Australian/New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 3000.

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LRA based on IEC 62305-2 including lightning & surge protection risk reduction.

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Size main and PE/N conductors based on let-through energy limitation of MCCB.

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Simulation of transient DC AF using IEC 61660 bolted fault currents.

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Maximize your power system reliability.

Simulation of AC single-phase circuits in control panels.

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Identify and analyze harmonic resonance for an unbalanced distribution system.

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Updated relay settings exchange tool.

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Maximize your operational efficiency.

New look and feel that matches the power and precision of ETAP.

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AI natural language search with GPT or other AI engines.

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Evaluate DC AF Incident Energy during Protection & Coordination.

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Size High-Pass Damped, Third-Order C-Type & Damped Filters.

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Digital twin modeling and simulation.

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Simulate all protective devices in transient stability, such as overload, overcurrent, differential, and distance functions.

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Improved performance and optimization for distribution systems.

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Incrementally update digital twin from design to operations.

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Simplify and maintain regulatory compliance.

Display & verify energy and current limiting capabilities of MCCB & power cables.

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Modeling of MCCB energy & current limiting characteristics, 17000+ Protective Device, 3000+ Cable, PV Array, & Harmonic.

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Updated based on the latest safety requirements.

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Substation grounding design based on European Standard EN-50522.

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Compliance with IEEE 1547 and IEEE 2800.

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Transformer K-Factor evaluation, IEEE 519-2022 interhamonics & distortion compliance limits.

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Compliance with cybersecurity standards.

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Fast & accurate integration of renewables in the new energy landscape.

Improve electrical designs with a new dimension.

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Simulation and analysis of renewable energy hosting.

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Assess the investment, operations, and financing of electrical power systems.

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Automated grid code analysis with expanded capabilities.

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Digital twin modeling and simulation.

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Additional control modes for power factor correction.

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Calculate and report symmetrical components for grid code analysis, enhanced result annotation, plot generator prime mover action, and consider line mutual coupling.

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Simulate & analyze the transient effect on hydrogen production & storage.

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What's New in ETAP 2024

Modern Ribbon Interface, Unifying Intent & Command

Ensure a seamless and intuitive experience with a ribbon-based user interface that brings user intent and command together.

Customize Your User Environment

Design 欧美A片

Empower tomorrow's power systems with advanced design simulation and analysis.

ETAP 2024 Design

Sustainability Analysis

Sustainability Analysis

Improve electrical designs with a new dimension

  • Carbon emission footprint analysis (scope 2)
  • Inspect the CO2 emissions of electrical network operations
  • Specify emissions baselines
  • Specify utilities across different world regions
  • Select custom regions for islanded power systems
  • Use real-time emission factors from ETAP’s cloud
  • Combine historical data (time series) emission factors (marginal and average) with time-domain load flows
  • Use static emission factors to simplify calculations
  • Show rich dashboards for presentations
  • Generate camera-ready Word reports
  • Access raw results files in CSV
  • Compare the footprints of several studies 

AC Arc Flash

AC Arc Flash

Reduce risk, improve safety & enforce compliance

  • ArcFault™ with Incident Energy Subtraction method
  • Updated shock protection boundaries based on NFPA 70E – 2024 & CSA Z462 - 2024
  • New NEC® label templates
  • Improved AC & DC analyzer layout saving capability
  • Enhanced AC & DC arc-flash calculators

DC Arc Flash

DC Arc Flash

Reduce risk, improve safety & enforce compliance

  • ArcFault™ with Incident Energy Subtraction method
  • Conductor erosion and DC arc elongation effects 
  • Transient DC AF for Stokes & Oppenlander and DGUV-I 203-077 methods 
  • Arc energy, incident energy, arc current, and voltage transient plots 
  • DC arc-flash calculator transient plots (IEC-61660) 
  • Auto-update worst-case and minimum DC bolted fault currents 
  • Enclosure reflectivity MF for Maximum Power method

    Lightning Risk Assessment

    Lightning Risk Assessment

    Graphical lightning risk assessment

    • Lightning risk assessment per IEC 62305-2 2010 
    • Graphical equivalent area analysis for complex structures  
    • Losses, risks, and economic assessment for multiple zones 
    • Consider the risk effect of surge protective devices, lightning protection systems, and equipotential bonding 
    • Considers buildings, structures, and valuables for economic loss 
    • Updated lightning frequency maps and flash density data sources 
    • Comprehensive LRA Excel reports 
    • Internal and external structure multi-zone validation 
    • LRA building project templates based on IEC 62305-2 
    • Consider multiple power lines, telecom lines, adjacent structures, and user-defined high and low-risk zones 
    • Scalable drawing area for larger structures up to 6 sq. km. 

    Unbalanced Network Frequency Scan

    Unbalanced Network Frequency Scan

    Comprehensive per-phase unbalanced network harmonic analysis

    • Phase and sequence harmonic frequency impedance plots
    • 1-Phase unbalanced harmonic analysis
    • Unbalanced harmonic waveform & vector visualizer for "what-if" scenarios
    • Short and long line modeling, skin effect, harmonic distortion limits evaluation per phase, plots per phase
    • Includes harmonic mitigation & unbalanced correction using active & passive harmonic filters

    Harmonic Analysis

    Harmonic Analysis

    Ensure compliance and improve power quality & reliability

    • Simulate and analyze harmonic distortions for Inverter Based Resources (IBRs) based on:
      • Total Rated Distortion and Reference Point of Applicability based on IEEE 1547 and IEEE 2800 
      • Compliance Rulebooks based on IEEE 1547 and IEEE 2800 
    • IEEE 519-2022 Compliance Limits and Harmonic Derating Evaluation for transformers & cables based on ANSI/IEEE C57.110-2012
    • Transformer K-Factor evaluation based on C57.110-2018
    • Enhanced Interharmonic Spectrum library capabilities

    AC Control Circuit Diagram

    AC Control Circuit Diagram

    Simulation of AC single-phase circuits in control panels

    • CPT or direct connection to one-line diagram 
    • All elements for AC Control Circuits 
    • Voltage drop calculations determining pickup and dropout voltages, power flows, and losses 
    • Operation logic event viewer and graphic simulation 
    • Sequence of Operation 
    • Detailed reports 
    • Engineering library data of Control Relay, Solenoid, and Contacts 

    Feeder Hosting Capacity

    Feeder Hosting Capacity

    Simulation and analysis of renewable energy hosting

    • AI-based optimization method for fast hosting capacity  
    • Maximum and minimum hosting capacity  
    • Smart inverter's effect on hosting capacity   
    • Mitigation of minimum hosting capacity  
    • Host capacity limiting devices     
    • Hosting capacity graph  
    • DER impact

    Unified Dynamics and Protection

    Unified Dynamics and Protection

    Simulate all protective devices in transient stability such as overload, overcurrent, differential, and distance functions 

    • Solve transient stability for all symmetrical components 
    • Simulates all protective devices supported in Star and StarZ 
    • Unified simulation to avoid complex configurations of separate protection and transient stability tools 
    • Relay performance evaluation during power swings, loss of excitation, cascading events, and many more 
    • Study wide area protection and control 

    Transient Stability

    Transient Stability

    Simulate and analyze the dynamic behavior of power systems under transient conditions 

    • Generator prime mover action 
    • Consider mutual coupling for transmission line 
    • Plots for Power Grid, 3W Transformer and Static Load 
    • Display current and voltage angles on a one-line diagram 
    • Calculate and report symmetrical components for grid code analysis 

    Alkaline Electrolyzer UDM Model

    Alkaline Electrolyzer UDM Model

    Simulate and analyze the transient effect on hydrogen production and storage 

    • Electrochemical Cell Behavior  
    • Electrolyzer Heating Process Thermal Characteristics  
    • Hydrogen Production and Storage   
    • Hydrogen Compression Components 

    Passive Filter Sizing

    Passive Filter Sizing

    Improved harmonic distortion mitigation simulations 

    • Size High-Pass Damped, Third-Order C-Type & Damped Static Filters based on IEEE 1531-2020  
    • Existing and calculated filter impedance plots  
    • Size static filters based on power factor correction

    Active Harmonic Filters

    Active Harmonic Filters

    Improve efficiency while improving power quality  

    • Digital twin modeling & simulation of active harmonic filters (AHF) or power conditioning systems (PCS) 
    • Model generic or vendor-specific active filters  
    • Establish harmonic targets based on current or voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) 
    • Fundamental power conditioning based on power factor targets, optimization, and load-balancing modes 
    • Automatically computes the harmonic injection based on control inputs from power and current transformers 

    Star? Protection & Selectivity

    Star™ Protection & Selectivity

    Fast paced and automated Protection & Coordination 

    • Energy & current limiting characteristics viewer
      • Addition of energy & current limiting curves to MCCB
      • Display of cable energy withstand capability
      • Visual verification of cable size selection & protection
      • Display of current limiting curves for fuse
      • Selection and display of characteristics on the same graph
    • Auto-Evaluation of cables based on let-through energy
      • Evaluation of cable withstand vs MCCB let-through energy
      • Verification of permitted voltage drop based on rule book
    • Enhanced SQOP to support IEC 60909 steady state fault current
    • Support of LL & LLG fault types and display in Star View
    • Identification of Current Limiting Fuse and LV Breaker in editors
    • Identification of Trip Units with ZSI capability in LV Breaker editor

    Engineering Library Models

    Engineering Library Models

    Verified & validated equipment libraries 

    • Energy and current limiting capability for MCCB
    • 17000+ New Protective Device models
      • 1000+ Fuses
      • 500+ HV Circuit Breakers
      • 14500+ LV Circuit Breakers & Trip Units
      • 200+ Relays
      • 1000+ Current Limiting MCCBs
    • 3000+ New Cable, Harmonic Source, PV Array, and Coil models
      • 1000+ Cables
      • 2000+ PV Array
      • 75+ Harmonic Distortion

    Unbalanced Network Load Flow

    Unbalanced Network Load Flow

    Unified AC & DC unsymmetrical system power flow 

    • Compare and analyze results from multiple unbalanced load flow scenarios  
    • Protective device overload alerts on the one-line diagram and alert view 
    • Enhanced unbalanced network load flow result analyzer 
    • Algorithm enhancement for easier convergence of special systems

    DC Capacitors

    DC Capacitors

    Waveform smoothing and energy storage  

    • Digital Twin modeling of DC Capacitors
    • Rating per
      • Cell
      • Pack
      • Bank
    • Applied to DC system load flow, short circuit and arc flash studies
    • Compliant with IEC 61660



    Efficient voltage regulation where variable voltage is required   

    • Digital Twin modeling of Autotransformers for Two-Winding and Three-Winding transformers 
    • Impedance adjustment user-defined or based on tap position 
    • No load power loss and buried delta winding 
    • Eddy current loss consideration 
    • Fixed tap and automatic load tap changer settings 
    • Various grounding types 
    • Harmonic source and K factor modeling 

    ETAP License Manager

    ETAP License Manager

    Quick and reliable license access management 

    • Over 30 enhancements towards improved Cybersecurity profile  
    • Foundational updates to harden against Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) 
    • Enhanced reliability of automated license key exchange for easier and effortless installation 
    • Ensures that ETAP license management can be installed and present alongside other licensing services



    Automated grid code compliance 

    • Automated grid code evaluation of
      • Real and reactive power capability 
      • Harmonic distortion and resonance
    • Capability Curve for wind turbine generators & inverters
    • Power Plant Editor
      • Define power plant active and reactive assets
      • Reference point of compliance applicability
    • Grid Code Rulebooks 
      • P-Q capability & equipment control
      • Voltage ride through
      • Voltage regulation
    • Consider alerts during Grid Code PQ Capability analysis
    • Global or individual assignment of
      • Power dispatch priority
      • Equipment capability curves 

    GridCode? Smart Inverters

    GridCode™ Smart Inverters

    Ensure compliance with grid code with modern smart inverter modeling & simulation 

    • Makes autonomous decisions to keep grids stable and reliable as more DERs come online
    • Multiple modes of operation and control
      • Volt – Var Control
      • Volt – Watt Control
      • Watt – Power Factor Control
      • Reference Point Power Factor Control (leading & lagging)
    • Passive Charging
    • Supports rulebook and user-defined control curves
    • Supports bi-directional flow and BESS systems
    • Real or reactive power priority modes
    • Includes smart inverter constraints
    • Maintains compliance per IEEE 1547 and California Rule 21

    Reliability Assessment

    Reliability Assessment

    Analyze the availability and cost of distribution systems

    • Makes autonomous decisions to keep grids stable and reliable as more DERs come online
    • Reliability library data based on 
      • IEEE 493-2007
      • IEEE 3006.8
    • Unbalanced load flow constraints for alternative sources
      • Power supply capability of distributed generation
      • All branch capability limits
      • Load point minimum voltage requirements
    • New system indices: NIEPI, TIEPI, ASIDI, and ASIFI

    Techno-Economic Analysis

    Techno-Economic Analysis

    Complex analysis of the investment, operations, and financing of electrical power systems including reliability indices  

    • NPV or TLCC analysis methods  
    • Cost: Installation, Loss of energy and System power losses 
    • Straight line or declining balance depreciation 
    • Discount Rate, Inflation Rate and Tax Rate 
    • Report Cost-Benefit results through Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 
    • System or individual feeder analysis 

    eTraX? Railway Power Systems

    eTraX™ Railway Power Systems

    Validated, user-friendly, and flexible software tools for designing, analyzing, and managing AC and DC railway infrastructure 

    • Zone and train mean useful voltage indices based on BS EN 50388-1: 2022 Annex B 
    • Informative and analytical substation and train summary reports 
    • Reports and plots supporting different unit systems 
    • Enhanced algorithm for better convergence and shorter simulation time 
    • Catenary and return conductor's mutual coupling 
    • Enhanced user-friendly interface

    Cable Systems

    Cable Systems

    Calculate optimal and alternative cable sizes  

    • Enhanced Cable Manager capabilities 
    • Additions to the cable library 
    • Complies with the latest NEC standard 
    • Extended raceway dimensions beyond the Neher-McGrath method

    Ground Grid

    Ground Grid

    Comprehensive, efficient, and safe approach to designing and analyzing electrical grounding systems  

    • Substation grounding design based on EN 50522 European Standard 
    • Enhanced conductor & rod library

    Application 欧美A片

    Experience robust engineering productivity and interoperability in electrical design.

    ETAP 2024 Application

    ETAP User Experience

    ETAP User Experience

    Modern ribbon, unifying intent & command

    • Enhance productivity with personalized shortcuts, customized quick access buttons, and a fully adaptable user environment tailored to your unique preferences and requirements 
    • Colorize your way and switch between various color palettes to suit your working environment 
    • Big, bold ribbon interface simplifies feature navigation, surpassing traditional menus, including a centralized backstage area for file management, settings, and essential functions 
    • Component toolbox search and customizable favorites

    ETAP Electric Copilot?

    ETAP Electric Copilot™

    Employ an AI engine to gain efficiency

    • First version of Electric Copilot™
    • Integrated AI Engine  
    • Natural language search 
    • Input data queries  
    • Load Flow Result analyses

    ETAP Application

    ETAP Application

    Improved compatibility & security compliances 

    • Performance improvements 
    • Document tagging for linking and storing equipment information such as maintenance information, specifications, etc. 
    • Effortlessly drag and drop files and images directly into the one-line diagram 
    • Advanced context option to export energized component list 
    • Simplified component copy & paste via clipboard 
    • New shape annotations 
    • Convert text boxes into embedded QR Codes allowing dynamic access to annotations or links via mobile devices 
    • Animated GIF support

    Digital Twin Elements

    Digital Twin Elements

    Foundation for network visualization of electrical networks 

    • DC Capacitor Digital Twin modeling & analysis for renewable energy systems and other applications 
    • Autotransformers (two-winding and three-winding) for transmission system applications 
    • Power grid single phase type selection for specific network phases 
    • Long line modeling of transmission lines and cables for transmission and submarine systems 
    • Enhanced smart inverter control capabilities for renewable energy systems 

    Intelligent Controllers

    Intelligent Controllers

    Renewable energy control systems including microgrids & power plant controllers 

    • Controller element for renewable energy modeling 
    • Microgrid & power plant controllers 
    • Hybrid and master power plant controller 
    • Inverters & energy storage controllers 
    • Import and automatic parameterization of 'black-boxed' DLLs 
    • Renewable energy control system modeling & analysis 
    • Ready to use controllers with user-defined parameters 
    • Renewables – Solar, Wind, Energy Storage System  
    • STATCOM, Fuel Cell, and Synch Check Relay 
    • Grid-following & grid-forming inverters 
    • Operator Training Simulator 
    • Interface to DNP3 server



    ETAP RESTful API for interoperability  

    • Interact with ETAP using its built-in REST API
    • Securely connect to ETAP from any device on a network
    • Get ETAP project data and trigger ETAP commands and studies
    • Interactive Swagger page allows testing API endpoints from a browser (no code necessary)
    • Secure https connection
    • A RESTful Python client is included in etapPy
    • Create ETAP automations using scripting or your own programs against the ETAP REST API
    • Reference documentation includes working examples for every endpoint
    • New endpoints added in each release 



    Scripting & study automation using Python™  

    • Feature-rich ETAP-Python API and IDE for creating and executing python scripts
    • Integration of ETAP and Python scripting language
    • Run ETAP studies remotely and in parallel across machines
    • Detailed reference documentation (descriptions, example code)
    • Includes the ETAP API Python client
    • Built-in Python REPL (shell) inside ETAP 
    • Working examples for every feature
    • Run scripts from the ETAP UI or externally outside ETAP

    Engineering Libraries

    Engineering Libraries

    Verified & validated equipment libraries 

    • Industry-standard for the most comprehensive V&V engineering equipment libraries. The latest library updates are included with this release & available for download from ETAP Help Center™
    • Expanded engineering libraries – Over 20,000 new models
    • New protective device models
    • New cable models 
    • New solar panel models
    • New harmonic distortion models 



    Accelerate digitization and data exchange through built-in conversions 

    • Schneider Electric ArcFM CIM Format File Import
      • ArcFM network import to ETAP GIS View by using CIM format XML
      • Automatic network generation in ETAP GIS View
      • Intelligent default element/property mapping in Universal Mapping
    • eXCAD – AutoCAD DWG Exchange
      • Support for AutoCAD 2024
      • Improved connections, scaling, fonts & alignment in exported DWG
      • Added Peterson coil grounding symbols and new elements including UPS, DC Capacitor, 2-Winding Auto Transformer, and 3-Winding Auto Transformer
    • Autodesk Revit Exchange
      • Support for Autodesk Revit 2024
    • AVEVA Data Exchange 
      • Support AVEVA Electrical 12.2 and AVEVA Engineering 15.7
      • Enhanced load flow walking logic to handle multiple sources 
    • ESRI ArcGIS Data Import
      • Support ESRI ArcGIS 10.8.1
      • Enhanced intelligent connections for components
      • Implemented phase & voltage propagation for missing data
    • Excel Data Exchange 
      • Combined Excel Open Format and Excel Fixed Format import
      • Enabled partial export to one-line diagram
    • PSSE RAW Format Data Import
      • Improved one-line diagram layout by reducing remote connectors
    • SKM Import
      • Enhanced built-in conversion from SKM PowerTools® to ETAP
      • Improved automatic one-line diagram generation
      • Enhanced library mapping
    • EasyPower / ESA Import 
      • Built-in conversion from EasyPower to ETAP
      • Enhanced automatic one-line diagram generation
      • Enhanced library mapping and interface beautification
      • New mappings for Synchronous Machine and Motors

    Operation 欧美A片

    Optimize operations with predictive analysis, real-time data monitoring and precision control.

    ETAP 2024 Operation



    Operator Training Simulator

    Improve and augment operator and dispatcher training for electrical systems through real-world practical learning to support decision-making via "what-if" simulations for steady-state and dynamic system conditions.

    • Efficient power system analysis by comparing graphical results from multiple studies 
    • Advanced high-speed Python Framework 
    • Available for all modules with plot-based reports 
    • Automatic sizing & sub-plot arrangements 
    • Tooltip & cross-hair based value tracking 
    • Interlock enforcement



    Automated Fault Analysis Software

    Operational and decision-support analysis software to analyze and locate the source of power disturbances and faults.

    • Automatic fault information retrieval – COMTRADE 
    • Fault type, impedance & location identification 
    • Detect permanent versus temporary faults 
    • Graphical visualization & reporting of fault location 
    • Field data sequence of operation by relay, bay, substation & zone 
    • Compare sequence of operation between “as designed” and “as operated” cases 
    • Single-ended and double-ended fault location 
    • Line positive and zero sequence estimation 
    • Voltage Dip, Motor Start, Motor Stop, and Motor Acceleration detection 
    • Customizable detection logic for industrial applications 
    • Phasor, RMS, harmonics, power & frequency estimation 
    • Relay setting assistance via Python Scripting 
    • Automatic event report generation with model-based & rule-based root cause analyses 
    • Incident labels 
    • Integrates with ETAP eProtect™, eAPM™ & Outage Management System (OMS)



    Fault Location Isolation & Service Restoration

    • Network components capacity evaluation 
    • Forecasted affected area based on trouble calls 
    • Fault location based on trouble calls, FPI Signals, protective device data and COMTRADE files 
    • Integrated with ETAP AFAS engine 
    • Automated isolation, partial restoration, and full restoration switching steps 
    • Control inhibition on affected feeders 
    • Integrated switching order management 
    • SLD and GIS graphical Web/Workstation displays 
    • Distribution and industrial systems configuration



    Proactive Situational Awareness

    • Identifies potential problems under current conditions 
    • Predicts system contingencies before operator actions 
    • Validates continuous process changes and indicates out of normal conditions



    Integrated Maintenance Management 

    • Access asset information via mobile device 
    • Manage maintenance with predefined maintenance groups and maintenance dashboards 
    • Create and manage work orders 
    • Integrated with ETAP Switching Order Management 
    • Centralized maintenance and work order calendar 
    • Integrated with ETAP Digital Twin 
    • Include procedures, test, and maintenance documentation  
    • SCADA visualization of scheduled maintenance works

    etap ADMS

    etap ADMS

    Model-driven Planning, eSCADA, DMS & OMS Solution

    Unlock the power of advanced distribution management with ETAP ADMS and empower grid resilience. Enhances grid reliability, responsiveness, and efficiency with real-time data, analytics, and control, ensuring a smarter and more resilient electrical distribution network.

    • Volt/Var Optimization
      • Advisory and supervisory modes
      • HTML5 visualization dashboard
      • Reporting and validation charts
    • Outage Management System
      • Crew management
      • Dispatch app
      • CIS integration
      • SOM integration
      • Reclosure support
      • FLISR integration
    • DMS Integration with Operating Conditions
      • Feeder balancing
      • Switching optimization
      • Predictive simulation with distribution systems
      • Situational intelligence with distribution systems
    • AMI Integration
      • Collection of AMI data
      • Creation of profiles from AMI data
      • Planning with AMI data
    • Distribution Load Shedding
      • Rolling brownouts
      • Frequency and overload-based load shedding
      • Event-based load shedding



    Model-driven Electrical System Control and Data Acquisition 

    The gateway to intelligent electrical system control! Harness the power of your ETAP Digital Twin design by integrating real-time data to monitor and control your electrical infrastructure with an advanced, user-friendly solution, ETAP eSCADA.  Effortlessly monitor, manage, and optimize your electrical infrastructure, ensuring not only reliability but also unmatched efficiency.

    • HTML5 Web Client
      • BIM visualization
      • Load shedding events and monitor
      • Enhanced trending 
      • Enhanced performance
      • Energy accounting viewer and reports
      • Complete alarm management
      • Enhanced cybersecurity
      • Enhanced GIS view
      • Waveform viewer
      • OMS outage details
      • Crew management integration
    • Alarm Management
      • Email and SMS notification & acknowledgment
      • Web-based interface
      • Role-based authorization
      • Intelligent alarm reasons
    • User Defined Reports
      • Predefined templates
        • System level
        • Shift change
        • Alarm reasons
        • Outage summary
      • Python-based customization report
      • Energy generation and usage reports



    Distributed Energy Resource Management System  

    Monitor, manage and optimize distributed energy resources to enhance the performance and reliability of the electrical network.

    • Integrated hosting capacity analysis 
    • Microgrid central controller (MGCC) 
    • Integrated with ETAP ADMS for grid awareness, utility-scale DER management, operation & optimization 
    • Manage interconnections between DERS and the grid with a Hybrid Plant Controller 
    • Predictive analytics to anticipate potential issues and optimize resource allocation proactively 
    • Integrated with flexibility services & prosumer engagement platforms, including AutoGrid™ for program design, customer acquisition, enrollment infrastructure, notification dispatch, measurement and verification


    Automation 欧美A片

    Achieve energy resilience with model-driven analysis, operations and performance optimization

    ETAP 2024 Automation

    µGrid? Controller

    µGrid™ Controller

    Model-driven Microgrid Control & Management

    An integrated model-driven design software and control hardware solution to develop, simulate, optimize, validate, and control microgrids.

    • Rule-based & optimal dispatch of microgrid resources 
    • Grid-connected and islanding control & management 
    • Secondary voltage and frequency control in islanded operation 
    • Automatic and user-defined black-start 
    • Support soft energization of BESS during black-start 
    • Generation & load forecasting 
    • Performance testing & validation 
    • Model-driven configuration and testing software tool 
    • Multi-networked and nested microgrids



    Model-driven Power Plant Controller 

    Model-driven renewable power plant control and management with SCADA visualization, predictive analysis, optimization, and forecasting.

    • Control & manage hybrid power plants 
    • Active & reactive power control for multi-networked power plants 
    • Dispatch based on priority by device type or zone selection 
    • Energy storage management 
    • Power smoothing 
    • Supports software-in-the-loop (SIL) and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing and simulation  
    • Design & operate for grid code compliance 
    • Performance testing & validation 
    • Model-driven configuration and testing software tool

    Cloud 欧美A片

    Advance power management efficiency through collaboration and security.

    ETAP 2024 Cloud Mobile



    Centralized Web-based protection & asset management  

    Solution for relay settings change management to manage location, information, and settings throughout the lifecycle of protective relays and substation assets.

    • Increased data quality & access management 
    • Automatic notification, processing & relay settings file generation 
    • Protection setting synchronization between a physical relay & ETAP Star protective device coordination 
    • Integrated with ETAP Automated Fault Analysis Software (AFAS) 
    • Station level reporting and settings grouping 
    • Bulk settings importing and relay settings validation 
    • Workflow management 



    Network project management for collaborative tasks  

    NetPM allows for the simultaneous work of multiple engineers and teams on a shared project, enabling efficient coordination and project execution. ETAP NetPM is particularly beneficial for large, complex projects involving multiple stakeholders and disciplines. It enhances the efficiency and accuracy of power system analysis, design, and operation, ensuring that large teams can work together effectively while minimizing errors and optimizing project outcomes.

    • Improved performance and optimization for distribution systems 



    Web-based simulation, monitoring, and reporting  

    Enhancements to ETAP’s Web-based simulation, monitoring, and reporting provide a new era of flexibility, efficiency, and productivity in your electrical engineering projects. Harness the full potential of your electrical systems from anywhere, anytime.

    • HTML5/JS based Web interface 
    • Unbalanced load flow simulations 
    • Asset management, relay management, and AFAS interface 
    • Real-Time Dashboard integration 
    • Crew management, scheduling, and dispatching 
    • Reports and work orders



    Modern internet-facing application security  

    Improved hardening and protection of application security, including encryption of passwords, messages, memory corruption vulnerabilities, and transport security.

    • ETAP License Manager 
    • Mobile Field Data Collection & Synchronization (etapAPP) 
    • Network Project Management (NetPM) 
    • ETAP Real-Time eSCADA HMI Viewer 
    • ETAP Real-Time eWeb Dashboards

    Mobile 欧美A片

    Improve productivity in the field with effortless data collection, collaboration and verification.

    ETAP 2024 Mobile

    etapAPP 8.0

    etapAPP 8.0

    Mobile field data collection & synchronization

    Increase accessibility to ETAP projects for data collection and verification with the updated version of etapAPP™, a tablet application made for field engineers.

    • Effortless Sharing with One-Line Diagram Export
      • Flexibility to choose the format (PDF, PNG, SVG, JPG, etc.) that best suits your needs, whether you want to share a high-resolution image, a vector-based diagram, or a standard PDF file. It's all at your fingertips. 
    • Undo Changes – It's all covered
      • Effortlessly reverse any changes made during your project. Whether adding, deleting, connecting, disconnecting, rotating, relocating elements and annotations, resizing buses, or modifying element property data.
    • Image Capture & Assignment - Made Easy
      • Capture multiple images in one go, import them in batches, display them in a carousel, and even let our system automatically assign names to make organization a breeze.
    • User Interface Improvements
      • Simplified user experience including ergonomic button layout, text box search, conduit size selections based on English and Metric units.
    • Also Available on:

    A complete list of all enhancements in ETAP are listed on the What’s New page.

    ETAP 2024 Video Series

    40:32 Webinars  

    Discover the new Feeder Hosting Capacity module provided in ETAP 2024 to support solar PV systems being integrated into modern distribution networks. Incorporating PV arrays into existing feeders presents several challenges, including overvoltage, backflow, thermal overloading, protection mis-coordination, and increased harmonic distortion. To address these issues, it is essential to perform feeder hosting capacity (FHC) studies, which assess the optimal amount and placement of PV installations. By leveraging ETAP 2024's Feeder Hosting Capacity module, engineers and utilities can confidently integrate renewable energy sources into their grids while ensuring optimal performance and sustainability. The three key analysis options provided in ETAP FHC, Nodal HC, Stochastic HC and Impact Analysis are described in detail, along with how smart inverters are addressed.

    28:36 Webinars  

    The webinar is an opportunity to discover how the features in this release of GridCode contribute to better and faster grid code compliance evaluation in an automated fashion, including real and reactive power capability, and harmonic distortion and resonance. By carefully evaluating the impact of new generation on the grid, you’ll learn how to define and produce compliance studies that help protect the system, enable renewable energy growth, and promote cost-effective grid development. 

    49:23 Webinars  

    ETAP 2024 has transformed how we assess DC arc flash incident energy for battery energy storage systems (BESS). In this video, you’ll learn about two of the cutting-edge features in ETAP 2024 that will redefine your approach to BESS Arc Safety.

    23:18 Webinars  

    This webinar will focus on time-saving tips and in the new ETAP 2024 Unified Digital Twin application to streamline your workflows, improve modelling accuracy, and expedite project delivery.

    28:47 Webinars  

    Introducing ETAP's new AI-based Natural Language Search. This feature makes interacting with ETAP as easy as having a conversation. Instead of navigating complex menus or using tricky commands, you can now ask questions and get answers using simple, everyday language. With advanced AI and natural language processing, ETAP’s Natural Language Search helps engineers, operators, and planners quickly find critical information, run analyses, and gather insights. This makes the software easier to use and speeds up your work. Whether you need detailed system data, want to set up simulations, or access documentation, this feature simplifies everything, letting you focus on making decisions. By integrating this intuitive search tool, ETAP is making powerful power system analysis more accessible and user-friendly for everyone.

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