

  • 建模和可视化



  • 分析和优化



  • 电气安全与接地



  • 保护与协调



  • 电源管理系统



  • 加载脱落系统



Powering the Mine

采矿业的生产中断会造成收入的大量损失。由现场发电系统的扰动引起的负荷切除不足常常导致临界负荷的损失,从而对生产过程产生负面影响,对每起事故的收入造成高达数百万美元的重大影响。为了将生产损失降到最低,必须有一个前瞻性的解决方案,能够以快速、最佳、安全和智能的方式切除负载。ETAP智能切负荷(ILS)就是其中一种解决方案。ETAP ILS是一种最先进的负载保留解决方案,专为采矿业设计


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Protection Coordination at Panama Mina de Cobre

Design and commission of a green-site power system including protection coordination for the entire site and implementation of IEC61850 communications, inter-tripping, inter-locking and protection blocking schemes.

Ground Grid Design with ETAP in a Steel Plant in Mexico  - EPSOL

A Ground Grid design project is presented in a steel plant in Mexico and the objective is to reduce the step and touch potentials in the area of ??electric arc furnaces of 50 kA connected to transformers of 13.8/0.6 KV and that in the moment of melting, they create dangerous currents for the workers who operate these furnaces. The project is executed from the field measurements of the resistivity of the ground and the design of the ground grid with the ETAP finite element method (FEM) and the construction of the grid is executed up to the foot of the ovens, thereby reducing said potentials to safe values ??for the workers, contributing to a safer work area.

How ETAP was utilized  to  expand  the Electrical System at the Tailings Dam Copper Mine in Peru

As part of their Tailings Dam Expansion project, a large copper mine in Peru required to have several studies performed in their electrical system. As loads were added and the topology of the system was changing, the client wanted to ensure that their electrical system would be able to handle the new loads and operate reliably and efficiently. Electro Integra S.A.C. was hired to perform Load Flow, Short Circuit, Relay Coordination, Motor Starting and Optimal Capacitor Placement studies. ETAP was used as the tool to perform all the studies because the client has been using ETAP for over 20 years.

Since 2000, Electro Integra has partnered with ETAP to bring their software solutions to the Peruvian market. Continuous development and investment in ETAP 欧美A片 has kept them as the de facto standard for power system analysis for all types and sizes of electrical industries.


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